To demonstrate the functional programming elements of map and reduce, this article used the Scheme shell. 要演示map和reduce的功能性编程元素,本文使用了Schemeshell。
This functionality is somewhat similar to the shell script concept in Functional Tester. 这个功能与FunctionalTester中的shell脚本概念有些相似。
It was shown that the addition of functional monomer methyl acrylic acid could not only improve emulsion stability but also be advantageous to formation of regular core shell structure. 结果表明:加入甲基丙烯酸有利于胶粒的稳定和形成规则的核壳胶粒。半连续加料不会形成完全反转的核壳结构,但是,核层在反应过程中由于聚合物簇的迁移会造成形变。
Progress in Structural and Functional Study of Nanometer Protein Shell of the Ferritin 铁蛋白纳米蛋白壳结构与功能研究新进展
The effects of reactive functional monomer mass concentration, double-functional monomer mass concentration in core and shell thickness on the crosslinking degree of dry latex film are investigated. 研究了反应性官能团质量分数、核层双官能团单体质量分数以及壳层厚度等因素对核壳乳液干膜交联度的影响。
Introduce functional monomer within measure to shell polymerization to study the effect of the polarity of shell polymer on the performance of core-shell emulsion. 壳层聚合时,引入适量功能单体改变壳层极性,研究壳层极性对乳液性能的影响规律。
Synthesis of Functional Core/ shell Materials Using the Template of SiO_2 Particles 以SiO2粒子为模板合成功能性核壳材料
Latex film with elastomeric tensile property is prepared on the optimal condition of 3% mass concentration of functional monomer M-A in core, 40% shell monomer'proportion, and 1% double-functional monomer mass concentration in core. 当官能团M&A的质量分数为3%、壳层单体质量分数占40%、核层双官能团单体质量分数在1%时,是制备乳液的较佳条件。
Rare-earth compounds have been widely used in high performance luminescent devices, catalysts, magnets, and other functional materials owing to the numerous well-defined transition modes involving the 4f shell of their ions. 稀土化合物,由于其离子的4f壳层具有众多的跃迁模式,而被广泛的应用于高性能发光设备、磁性材料、催化剂以及其他功能材料。
Moreover, an optimal design program of injection mold functional component was obtained. Finally, the rectangular box shell plastic part was taken for an example and the intelligent reasoning process of injection mold scheme design was given. 最后,以矩形盒状壳体塑件为例,给出了注塑模具方案设计的智能化推理过程。
Green shell egg is widely accepted as functional food in the market for its shell color and rich nutrients. 绿壳鸡蛋由于其蛋壳颜色特别、营养滋补,作为功能性食品开发应用,具有广阔的市场前景。
Prepared antimicrobial polymer microsphere by soap-free emulsion polymerization in the presence of functional monomer synthesized by 1. And characterized their morphology by electron microscopy, characterized their shell composition by XPS, characterized their size and distribution by electron microscopy and particle size analysis instrument. 3. 在功能单体存在下进行无皂乳液聚合,制备抗菌聚合物微球,并用电镜表征其形貌、用XPS表征其表层物质的组成、用电镜和粒度分析仪表征其粒径大小及分布。
As far as availability, auditing system provides functional user managing tools, including auditing configuration and auditing checking GUI tools and some shell commands. 为了保证系统的实用性,审计系统还提供了功能齐备的用户层审计管理工具,包括审计配置和审计查询图形工具和一些审计命令。
Fe and Ni nanoparticles possess the merits of magnetic metal fine powders, nanometer metals, and nanometer magnetic materials. As a new kind of nanometer functional composite materials, core/ shell Ni/ Au nanoparticles have broad applications in biomedical field. Fe、Ni金属纳米粒子具有磁性金属微粉材料、纳米金属材料和纳米磁性材料的多种优点;核壳型Ni/Au磁性金属纳米粒子作为一种新型的复合纳米功能材料在生物医学等领域有着广阔的应用前景。
The reasons should be attributed to the hollow structure which provide more active sites for the redox reaction of nickel oxide. At the same time, the functional groups formed at the surface of carbon shell improved the pseudocapacitance. 究其原因,是由于该法生成的大量的空心结构为氧化镍的氧化还原反应提供了更多的反应活性点,同时碳包覆层表面被氧化形成的官能团也对赝电容做出了贡献。